San Marco apartments in Venice
The best for your family
San Marco apartments in Venice: choose the flat that you prefer and live the experience of living for a few days near to one of the most famous squares in Venice.
According to your needs, the rental agency Luxrest Ven ice can provide you with the best apartments even near the Biennale, Sant Elena and San Zaccaria. The agency has some apartments even at the Lido, right near the beach.
Its catalogue, as a matter of fact, is very wide and it has different kinds of flats, houses and penthouses also for long term rental. Would you like to have a garden? Do you want to be on the first or second floor? Would you prefer to be next to Piazza San Marco or do you like hidden campielli, full of silence and amazing atmospheres…? Do you have a large family and you need a big flat, able to sleep even seven or eight people?
In order to see all the San Marco apartments in Venice at your disposal, you just have to see all the offer on the Luxrest Venice website and book on-line: for any enquiries, please do contact the staff on the phone or by mail!